Paladins of the West Kingdom: Collector's Box

This deluxe Collector's Box is designed to fit Paladins of the West Kingdom, the City of Crowns Expansion, and all additional content, such as promos, metal coins, and... (continuer à lire)

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Publié en
Renegade Game Studios
0 joueurs
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Renegade Game Studios
Paladins of the West Kingdom: Collector's Box preview image


This deluxe Collector's Box is designed to fit Paladins of the West Kingdom, the City of Crowns Expansion, and all additional content, such as promos, metal coins, and sleeved cards. All boards sit together over the wooden components and smaller cards, keeping everything in its place. The box is the same size as the Raiders of the North Sea: Collectors Box.

Included inside every copy of the Collector's Box is The Vassals Mini Expansion, which adds new yellow workers to the game. These new Yellow Workers can be placed onto any Worker spot, regardless of its required color. In addition to this, they also discount actions where they're placed by either 1 Silver or 1 Provision.

Mechanisms:• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building• Hand Management• Worker Placement


  • 8 Yellow Workers
  • 8 Tavern Cards
  • 1 King's Favour Card
  • 1 Reference Card
  • 1 Collector's Edition Alt Art Storage Box

Option d'achat

Acheter Paladins of the West Kingdom: Collector's Box
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

30,00 $US
24,00 USD
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