Nyctophobia: Vampire Encounter

"Nyctophobia" means fear of the dark. Welcome to the experimental table top game that is going to redefine what it means to play a game.

Nyctophobia: Vampire Encounter is a... (continuer à lire)

Temps de jeu
30 to 45 minutes
Publié en
Pandasaurus Games
3 to 5 joueurs
Style de jeu

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"Nyctophobia" means fear of the dark. Welcome to the experimental table top game that is going to redefine what it means to play a game.

Nyctophobia: Vampire Encounter is a cooperative game of survival where up to four players must work together to escape a maniacal predator chasing them in a pitch-black forest. But there's a wrinkle: would-be survivors play the game with blackout glasses. Players cannot see the board and have to rely on touch to navigate their way to safety. So, are you afraid of the dark?


  • 1 Board (8x8 Holes)
  • 4 Black-out Glasses
  • 4 Player Pieces
  • 1 Vampire Piece
  • ≈40 Removable Trees
  • 7 Rock Tokens
  • 1 Vampire Wound Token
  • 9 Health Tokens
  • 1 Noise Token
  • 1 Car Token
  • 2 The Familiar Standees
  • 6 Character Cards
  • 4 Character Piece Reference Cards
  • 12 Vampire Action Cards

Mechanisms:• Memory• Team-Based Game• Variable Player Powers

Catégories du jeu

Maison d'édition