Imagine discovering an unexcavated pyramid in the desert, and it is full of treasure! However, the only entrance to the pyramid is a little hole only your dog can fit... (continuer à lire)
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Imagine discovering an unexcavated pyramid in the desert, and it is full of treasure! However, the only entrance to the pyramid is a little hole only your dog can fit in. But a special mask shows the maze inside the pyramid and the dog can be guided to the Pharaoh’s Chamber where the treasure lies. Players use their smartphone, with the required Mask of the Pharaoh app, to look through the mask and see the maze. They look up, down, and all around, and must quickly describe to teammates what they see. Location, direction, and details matter so that teammates can correctly plot out and arrange the map tiles and chips to build a correct, map and guide the dog to the Pharaoh's Chamber.
Option d'achat
Acheter Mask of the Pharaoh
chez Noble Knight Games
9,95 USD
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