Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer Expansion Set

Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer is a two-mage expansion set for Mage Wars, focusing on two schools of magic not emphasized in the core set.

The Druid is schooled in... (continuer à lire)
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positif, 84 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Arcane Wonders
2 joueurs
Aaron Brosman et Bryan Pope
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Card Game, Variable Player Powers, Fighting, Dice Rolling, Two-player Game et Arcane Wonders
Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer Expansion Set preview image


Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer is a two-mage expansion set for Mage Wars, focusing on two schools of magic not emphasized in the core set.

The Druid is schooled in Nature magic and is the undisputed master of plants. She also favors the Water school, using it to heal, restore, and grow her plants, as well as fight her enemies with geyser like blasts of water or downpours of acid rain. She does not use traditional spawnpoints; instead, her plants can spontaneously grow quickly across the arena. She has a theme of slow, steady growth, that accelerates her power quickly. She is the perfect Mage to use against a turtler because you cannot leave her alone to grow unchecked for too long.

The Necromancer is a dark, sinister Mage who dabbles in the darkest of the black arts. His primary strengths lie in the summoning of the undead. His Graveyard spawnpoint summons armies of skeletons, zombies, and ghouls to do his bidding. His theme is a relentless assault. His skeletons are fragile, but keep reassembling themselves from a pile of bones to attack again! Zombies are slow, but very difficult to "kill". Both of these creatures just keep coming! Additionally, the Necromancer summons and controls evil spirits: ghosts and wraiths. He has an affinity with death and disease, and can quickly spread plagues across the arena.

  • 216 Spell Cards
  • 2 Custom Spellbooks
  • 2 Mage Cards
  • 2 Mage Ability Cards
  • Die-cut markers
  • Rules

    Mage Wars core set required for play.
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer Expansion Set
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    31,95 $US
    15,00 USD
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    Catégories du jeu




    • Aaron Brosman
    • Bryan Pope

    Jeux avec Variable Player Powers

    Jeux publiés par Pegasus Spiele

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