In H.P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu," a mysterious sculpture's discovery sparks an investigation that leads to the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh.
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In H.P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu," a mysterious sculpture's discovery sparks an investigation that leads to the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh.
Escape the cursed city...
You are trapped in Lovecraft's canonical tale. As you play cards, larger sets activate mightier powers. The key to escape is to get rid of all your cards. If you can't play, you have to take the discards, though this can fuel larger sets and exceptional abilities!
Lost in R'lyeh contains five copies of each of these cards:
1 Discover a Mystery
2 The Horror in Clay
3 A Dream of Strange Cities
4 A Disturbing Artifact
5Dark Cult's Voodoo Rite
6 Lost in Visions
7 The Testimony of Old Castro
8 The Raising of R'lyeh
9 Exploring the City
10 R'lyeh Slips Beneath the Waves
Legrasse's Roundup (Event)
Professor Angell's Investigation (Event)
A Mighty Door (Event)
Cthulhu Emerges (Event)
Face Your Darkest Fear (Event)
From the mysterious discovery of a profane idol, to dreams of a dark cult, to landfall in a cyclopean metropolis and Cthulhu's horrific emergence, no player can truly win... although the last player to escape will be the ultimate loser, for that player will be forever lost in R'lyeh!
Option d'achat
Acheter Lost in R'lyeh
chez Noble Knight Games
8,50 USD
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