1870 Somewhere deep in Texas, the rearing of Longhorn cattle from northern Mexico is booming. It has now become a major source of income for the Texan farmers, while at... (continuer à lire)
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1870 Somewhere deep in Texas, the rearing of Longhorn cattle from northern Mexico is booming. It has now become a major source of income for the Texan farmers, while at the same time attracting cattle thieves of all kinds.
In Longhorn, the players assume the roles of two particularly feared outlaws: Eagle Perkins and Jessie Artist Byrd. The aim of the game is simple: to steal cattle (and a few gold nuggets, if possible) to see who can amass the most money by the end of the game - or who can get his opponent arrested by the sheriff!
The game is set up by shuffling the 9 locations and setting them up in a 3x3 grid, selecting 9 tokens randomly and assigning one to each location (if the sheriff token is in play, it must be placed on Nugget Hill), and finally randomly distributing the colored longhorn cattle meeples to each location, with the number required being shown on each location. The start player then chooses a location with 4 cattle and places the player piece in it.
The game ends in one of three ways:
If a player takes the sheriff token, they lose immediately
If a player takes all 9 cattle of any one color, they win immediately (if they did both in the same turn, they lose)
If no legal move can be made, the players score; gold nugget tokens are worth their face value and each color of longhorn is worth $100 for each cow of the same color still on the board.
Option d'achat
Acheter Longhorn
chez Noble Knight Games
34,00 USD
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