Become a Keeper and prevail on your opponents one battle after another.
This portable game box of Lands of Dawn includes Thannen, Antar and Ganto faction Decks. Pick your Faction... (continuer à lire)
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Become a Keeper and prevail on your opponents one battle after another.
This portable game box of Lands of Dawn includes Thannen, Antar and Ganto faction Decks. Pick your Faction and dive into the world of Sanctuary: the Keepers.
1 Thannen Deck
1 Antar Deck
1 Ganto Deck
15 Essence Crystals
2 Aid Cards
8 Splendor Tokens
5 Solo Cards
18 Solo Tokens
3 Cards Separator
1 Rulebook
Option d'achat
Acheter Sanctuary - The Keepers Era: Lands of Dawn
chez Noble Knight Games
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