Labyrinth - The Board Game, Goblins! Expansion

Players who enjoy Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Board Game will love the Goblins! Expansion, which adds 5 new 30mm-scale goblins to the game. It also includes new cards and new... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
River Horse
1 à 5 joueurs
Style de jeu

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Players who enjoy Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Board Game will love the Goblins! Expansion, which adds 5 new 30mm-scale goblins to the game. It also includes new cards and new rules to raise the player experience to the next level.

This expansion continues the collection of creatures from the movie and gives players optional rules to make more use of the goblin infantry, cavalry and artillery.


  • 5 highly collectible Goblin figurines (3 × infantry, 1 × cavalry, 1 × artillery)
  • 5 new Labyrinth cards
  • 1 rules leaflet
  • Catégories du jeu


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