King's Table

This is an exact replica of the Viking game played in A.D. 400, as found in Lapland in 1732. In order to understand the game, we had to go back... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Wood Expressions
2 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game et Wood Expressions


This is an exact replica of the Viking game played in A.D. 400, as found in Lapland in 1732. In order to understand the game, we had to go back to where the games Tafl and Hnefatafl were popular in the Viking Homeland of Scandinavia. Over the centuries the game developed and different versions of the board have been found by archaeologists in sites from Ireland to Ukraine. This game is known as a primitive version of today's game of chess as all the pieces have the same movement as the rook.

A Viking Game of Attack and Defense
1,500 Year Old Game, Forerunner to Chess
Wood 9" x 9" with Storage and Pieces
2 Player Game

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