Imagine, just once, luring the master spy into your lair and putting a bullet in his head. Imagine resisting the urge to gloat over your prize, to tell him your... (continuer à lire)
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Imagine, just once, luring the master spy into your lair and putting a bullet in his head. Imagine resisting the urge to gloat over your prize, to tell him your secret plans, to let him escape certain death and blow up your lair in the process. Imagine winning.
Yeah, right.
James Ernest’s Totally Renamed Spy Game is a long-awaited remake of one of out best-selling games of all time. We’d tell you what it was once called, but we’d rather not get another letter. The new edition has glorious full-color artwork, high-quality production values, and the improved game mechanics you’ve come to expect from James Ernest’s color upgrades.
Players take the roles of super-villains, earning points by luring secret agents into their dastardly lairs, taunting them with deadly devices, and then killing them. Sure, you could kill a spy without taunting him, but he’s not worth nearly as many points. It hardly matters that he will destroy everything if he escapes. You’ll still have time to build another mysterious island.
James Ernest’s Totally Renamed Spy Game contains 112 cards, including Spies, Taunts, and improvements to your evil lair, illustrated in glorious color by Cheyenne Wright. It’s great for 3-6 players and it comes with everything you need!
Option d'achat
Acheter James Ernest's Totally Renamed Spy Game
chez Noble Knight Games
7,95 $US
5,00 USD
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