Inis: Seasons of Inis Expansion

Bards are singing. The days pass while waves crash on the unending horizon. Deadly battles are followed by sacred feasts, and the clansmen have no way to avoid the former,... (continuer à lire)

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très positif, 85 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
2 to 5 joueurs
Christian Martinez
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Hand Management, Area Majority / Influence, Miniatures, Card Game, Matagot et Area Movement
Inis: Seasons of Inis Expansion preview image


Bards are singing. The days pass while waves crash on the unending horizon. Deadly battles are followed by sacred feasts, and the clansmen have no way to avoid the former, any more than the latter.

Celebrate Imbolc, Beltane, Lugnasad, and Samhain, the sacred festivals that honor the eternal dance of the seasons!

You will need the help of the summer breeze and winter clouds alike to sail towards virgin islands whose whispered rumors are carried by the sea.

This is the time of sea kings, and forgotten myths. The time for new champions! Here are the new tales of the High-Kings of Inis. This expansion adds a 5th player, and introduces new mechanics, like: the Harbor tiles and sea travels; a Season board; and of course new territories, Action cards, and Epic Tales.


7 Large Territory Tiles9 Harbor Tiles12 Clan Miniatures15 Epic Tale Cards6 Action Cards6 Advantage Cards1 Season Board1 Season Marker1 King Tile5 Banshee Tokens1 Macha's Curse Token1 Fili Token


  • 7 Large Territory Tiles
  • 9 Harbor Tiles
  • 12 Clan Miniatures
  • 15 Epic Tale Cards
  • 6 Action Cards
  • 6 Advantage Cards
  • 1 Season Board
  • 1 Season Marker
  • 1 King Tile
  • 5 Banshee Tokens
  • 1 Macha's Curse Token
  • 1 Fili Token

Option d'achats

Acheter Inis: Seasons of Inis Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

39,95 USD

Acheter Inis: Seasons of Inis Expansion
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

49,99 $US
39,99 USD
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