This is the Kickstarter deluxe version of In Too Deep.
In Too Deep is a unique, narrative that thrusts you into the future in a tense, strategic board game... (continuer à lire)
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This is the Kickstarter deluxe version of In Too Deep.
In Too Deep is a unique, narrative that thrusts you into the future in a tense, strategic board game for up to 5 players. Draft characters and spend actions to fulfill objectives and collect sets. Which side of the law will you end up on?
The Kickstarter Edition includes:
all of the core game materials
alternative version of the box with silver highlights
a total of 10 criminals to choose from
miniatures for all 10 criminals
a miniature for the Sentinel
6 Heat Drone miniatures
wooden hook tags
more cards and materials to give you more options
materials for a 5th player
Option d'achat
Acheter In Too Deep (Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
79,95 $US
65,00 USD
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