Dial in your Big Dill experience with a deck of prompts from your favorite holidays.
In I'm Kind of a Big Dill, you describe your ability,... (continuer à lire)
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Dial in your Big Dill experience with a deck of prompts from your favorite holidays.
In I'm Kind of a Big Dill, you describe your ability, but with a catch: You're required to exaggerate, for better or worse!
Spread the Word: The Holidays are Kind of a Big Dill
Designed by Adam Bain & Grant Lyon. Illustration by John Kovalic with Kenzie Lindow. Graphic Design by James Ernest. Produced by the Cheese Volcano Braintrust of Andrew Chesney, Dani Standring, Bob Seabold, and Jeff Tidball.
60 prompt cards
2 festive new erasable dill meters
and 2 dry-erase markers
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Acheter I'm Kind of a Big Dill - A Big Dill Holiday
chez Noble Knight Games
10,95 USD
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