Incursion: Gretel Von X

Gretel von X and her twin sister Oberst Ilsa von X are the daughters of Hugo. Believing he had stumbled onto the fountain of youth, von X injected both of... (continuer à lire)
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Tabletop Boardgames
0 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Miniatures, Alternate History et Tabletop Boardgames
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Gretel von X and her twin sister Oberst Ilsa von X are the daughters of Hugo. Believing he had stumbled onto the fountain of youth, von X injected both of his children with an experimental serum derived from a stolen sample of the compound that the Cosmists developed to create the Siberian Supermen. Gretel was the lucky one. She retained her intellect and beauty and became inhumanly strong, fast, and tough. Gretel is the operations officer for the Gibraltar compound and Hugo’s right hand.

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Catégories du jeu

Maison d'édition

  • Tabletop Boardgames

Jeux à thématique Miniatures