Galaxy Rush

It’s a time of exploration and discovery in our galaxy. While many have dreamed of being revered as the greatest explorer of our era, only two captains are truly in... (continuer à lire)
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Last Night Games
2 joueurs
Style de jeu

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It’s a time of exploration and discovery in our galaxy. While many have dreamed of being revered as the greatest explorer of our era, only two captains are truly in contention for such an honor. With so many planets yet to discover and such a vast area to travel, there are many ways to earn the fame required to become the greatest explorer. Perform heroic acts, complete expeditions, discover new planets and earn achievements to secure your place in history.

In this competitive two player drafting game, you’ll choose a new card each turn in order to make progress toward your goals. Plan ahead, but be opportunistic to earn reputation points wherever you can.

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