Flight Stands & Aerial Game Accessories: Flying Figure Stands - 25mm Square (2)

Set of 2 multi-part stands. The Litko Flying Figure Stands are designed for your adventure games where you need to show a levitating or flying figure. Each stand is 60mm... (continuer à lire)
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Litko Aerosystems
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Miniatures et Litko Aerosystems
Flight Stands & Aerial Game Accessories: Flying Figure Stands - 25mm Square (2) preview image


Set of 2 multi-part stands. The Litko Flying Figure Stands are designed for your adventure games where you need to show a levitating or flying figure. Each stand is 60mm tall and features cutouts to accept 25mm/1 inch square bases. The bottom platform of the stand can be used as a dice tray to show the current elevation level of the flying figure or as a place for another 25mm/1 inch square based figure.

Option d'achat

Acheter Flight Stands & Aerial Game Accessories: Flying Figure Stands - 25mm Square (2)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

6,95 USD
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Maison d'édition

  • Litko Aerosystems