Every Fluxx deck contains a certain subset of New Rules that are always the same: Draw 2, Draw 3, Draw 4, Play 2, Play 3, Play All, etc. But then... (continuer à lire)
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Every Fluxx deck contains a certain subset of New Rules that are always the same: Draw 2, Draw 3, Draw 4, Play 2, Play 3, Play All, etc. But then you’ve got those wackier rules that are only in one or two decks. We’ve selected ten of our favorites of these lesser known, extra zany rules for this expansion that can be added to any type of Fluxx deck. These include Plunder, Camouflage, Composting, Double Vision, Future Vision, Card Transfusion, and Let’s Keep Doing That! Plus, this pack includes three bonus cards: a trio of Meta Rules, including Combined Decks!
Option d'achat
Acheter Fluxx - More Rules Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
5,00 USD
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