Fighters of the Pacific - Battle of Midway

Fighters of the Pacific is a fast-paced and simple tactical warfare game of air battles during WWII in the Pacific. This battle expansion provides a historical campaign for Fighters of... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
120 minutes
Publié en
Capsicum Games
1 à 8 joueurs
Frank Garibaldi et Didier Dincher
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Capsicum Games, Frank Garibaldi et Didier Dincher
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Fighters of the Pacific is a fast-paced and simple tactical warfare game of air battles during WWII in the Pacific. This battle expansion provides a historical campaign for Fighters of the Pacific. This is a series of scenarios that reproduce the key stages of a major World War II battle in the Pacific. Inside you will find all the tokens needed, including the aircraft carriers involved. June 1942, Admiral Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Navy, is confident and wants to deal a decisive blow to the American fleet in the Pacific. A month earlier, the Japanese fleet had achieved its first victory by disabling two American aircraft carriers in the Battle of the Coral Sea. The Battle of Midway was a decisive American victory and marked the turning point of the war in the Pacific. It is for you to recreate this battle with the 5 scenarios included. Choose your side and place the counters on the map. History is now in your hands.


  • 2 booklets of 5 scenarios (one in English, one in French)
  • 2 player aid (one in English, one in French)
  • 120 tokens, including 2 Japanese aircraft carriers (Sory and Hiryu)
  • 1 US aircraft carrier (Yorktown)
  • 3 destroyers
  • 80 aircraft
  • 34 game tokens
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    Catégories du jeu

    Maison d'édition

    • Capsicum Games


    • Frank Garibaldi
    • Didier Dincher