FANTASTIQA is a deck-building board game set in a fantastical landscape of dark forests, mist-shrouded highlands, and frozen wastes. As you and your foes journey around the board, you will... (continuer à lire)
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FANTASTIQA is a deck-building board game set in a fantastical landscape of dark forests, mist-shrouded highlands, and frozen wastes. As you and your foes journey around the board, you will subdue strange creatures and fulfill quests. Each creature you encounter has an ability and a vulnerability. Manipulating these, you can subdue and recruit new creatures. Each creature you recruit is added to your expanding deck of cards, making its special ability your own! By combining the powers of different creatures, you can fulfill quests to score victory points and claim other special rewards. Some of the creatures you encounter carry precious gems, which you can spend to purchase powerful artifacts or to summon mythical beasts to your aid. You begin with a handful of household items, but you will grow in power as you adventure and gather allies! The board changes every time you play, so prepare for a new, exciting adventure each time you enter the world of Fantastiqa!
FANTASTIQA is easy to learn but challenging to master – a game for families and gamers alike. Additional simplified rules are included for beginners and younger children.
1 Game board
4 Player Reference Cards & Adventure Kits
2 Card Supply boards
6 Circular Region Tiles
6 Wooden Statues
60 Gems
29 Artifact; 27 Beast; and 45 Quest cards
79 Creature cards
4 Quest Goal cards
16 Peaceful Dragon cards
12 one-point Bonus Tokens
16 Flying Carpet and 12 Reshuffle Tokens
4 Dog Cards
1 Reference Sheet/Glossary
Option d'achat
Acheter Fantastiqa (Rucksack Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
34,95 $US
12,00 USD
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