The Fang Clan are as savage as they are strong, and it takes a formidable leader to channel their raw power on the battlefield. Their signature Alpha ability means the... (continuer à lire)
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The Fang Clan are as savage as they are strong, and it takes a formidable leader to channel their raw power on the battlefield. Their signature Alpha ability means the fiercest units in your squad will always fight to be on top, but be careful as sometimes these units can have be the toughest to control. With abilities like Rabid and Out for Blood, the Fang Clan proves that the best defense is often a strong offense, and the best offense is often a pack of ravenous armored wolves. This is a full clan deck, and requires the Crystal Clans master set to play.
Set Contents:
1 Pilo, hero
1 Lyca, hero
Zerda, hero
6 Armored Wolves
6 Painted Wolves
3 Bear Riders
3 Raccoon Warriors
3 Hunting Caracals
3 Jackals
1 Shadow Clan reference card
Option d'achat
Acheter Crystal Clans: Fang Clan Expansion Deck
chez Noble Knight Games
9,95 USD
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