It’s spring break in Arthursburg, a time when kids set out on heroic quests of excitement and imagination. But this year, the danger and magic are real – the residents... (continuer à lire)
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It’s spring break in Arthursburg, a time when kids set out on heroic quests of excitement and imagination. But this year, the danger and magic are real – the residents and wildlife around town have been transformed into evil monsters bent on total destruction!
Only you and your friends have the power and wits to rise up and save your loved ones from this unknown evil.
…To defeat the monstrous hordes that are spreading chaos and evil everywhere they go.
…To become the legendary heroes who will save the people of Arthursburg.
5 guardian figures
5 player mats
1 timekeeper token
20 damage counters
10 attack power trackers
10 location boards
3 game aid boards
5 blanket fort cards
114 guardian cards
21 promo guardian cards
12 quest card
64 monster cards
6 boss monster cards
5 coward cards
1 trailblazer card
Option d'achat
Acheter Explore (Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
9,95 USD
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