Ashes Reborn: Expansion Deck - The Scholar of Ruin
Rowan Umberend uses ceremonial and time magic to excavate through the physical and temporal ruins of Abylon, discovering the dark history and power of the Chimera of ages past. Resurrect... (continuer à lire)
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Rowan Umberend uses ceremonial and time magic to excavate through the physical and temporal ruins of Abylon, discovering the dark history and power of the Chimera of ages past. Resurrect the power of the Chimera by delving through your draw pile to discover ancient artifacts!
Use this prebuilt deck to take down your opponents or combine Rowan’s cards with your favorite Ashes spells and allies to customize a new deck.
Option d'achat
Acheter Ashes Reborn: Expansion Deck - The Scholar of Ruin
chez Noble Knight Games
12,95 USD
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