Edge of Humanity

In Edge of Humanity, 2-5 players take on the roles of survivors thrown into a post-apocalyptic world, trying to survive the new harsh conditions of the world as it is... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Golden Egg Games
2 to 5 joueurs
Elad Goldsteen et Pini Shekhter
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Card Game, Hand Management, Post-Apocalyptic, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Open Drafting et Horror


In Edge of Humanity, 2-5 players take on the roles of survivors thrown into a post-apocalyptic world, trying to survive the new harsh conditions of the world as it is now. You must lead your group of survivors, gathering supplies in order to construct new buildings, and create a better place for others to join you and make your group stronger. Survival Points (SP) will determine your success, and there are two main ways to score them: recruiting Survivors, and constructing buildings.

The game takes approximately 30 mins to play and introduces a new take on deck building, drafting, and hand management.

Option d'achat

Acheter Edge of Humanity
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

19,95 $US
11,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu

Card Game