You built and defended your kingdom, and now that Winter is here, you need to battle the harsh elements and chillingly scary monsters.
Dwar7s Winter is a hand-building, worker placement,... (continuer à lire)
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You built and defended your kingdom, and now that Winter is here, you need to battle the harsh elements and chillingly scary monsters.
Dwar7s Winter is a hand-building, worker placement, resource management game with tower defense elements in the gameplay. Each player wants to achieve the most victory points, but the only way to survive the winter is to work together.
While Dwar7s Winter is the sequel to Dwar7s Fall, it is an independent, standalone game that includes 64 highly-detailed miniatures.
Option d'achat
Acheter Dwar7s - Winter
chez Noble Knight Games
34,00 USD
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