Dragon Bridge

Once per year, Wizards come from far and wide to compete in the Dragon Bridge Games: a series of competitive magical battles that takes place on a bridge connecting two... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
Keith Burgun
2 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy et Card Game


Once per year, Wizards come from far and wide to compete in the Dragon Bridge Games: a series of competitive magical battles that takes place on a bridge connecting two small magical islands. Who will be this year’s winner? Business-demons, partying skeletons, humans, stuffed animals, potatoes, magic bug people and other weird characters use tactical magic spells, collect items and do powerful combos in pursuit of deeper knowledge and understanding of magic!

Choose a character and do battle in this quick, yet surprisingly deep two player card game. Take the Travel version with you anywhere!

It’s easy to learn, and seems simple enough: just bump your opponent off the end of the bridge, into the maw of the Dragon. But beware: the Dragon can switch sides!

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Catégories du jeu



Maison d'édition

  • Keith Burgun

Card Game