Thanks to this Recharge Pack, players are able to restart Divinus once they have completed its campaign. Using glue-less stickers for anything attaching to the tiles, and the board, only... (continuer à lire)
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Thanks to this Recharge Pack, players are able to restart Divinus once they have completed its campaign. Using glue-less stickers for anything attaching to the tiles, and the board, only the player tuckboxes, the rulebook and a fresh sheet of stickers is needed to put your copy 100% back to a fresh start! Divinus is a competitive, legacy, tile-laying, digital hybrid game in which you play as a demigod seeking to gain the favor of the Gods and ascend to a new pantheon. Players will embark on a twelve-scenario campaign that will see them exploring lands, completing quests, interacting with Gods, and impacting the outcome of the epic clash between Greek and Norse pantheons.
Option d'achat
Acheter Divinus Recharge Pack
chez Noble Knight Games
21,95 $US
19,99 USD
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