Ready to place bets on a race of mythological proportions?
Zeus has invited you, along with other divine friends from across the Multiverse, for a little get-together on Mount Olympus.... (continuer à lire)
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Ready to place bets on a race of mythological proportions?
Zeus has invited you, along with other divine friends from across the Multiverse, for a little get-together on Mount Olympus. After a legendary lunch and a few pints of Ambrosia, you start wagering bets on which mythic creature is the fastest - and the only way to know for certain is to summon all those creatures for an epic race, with the Olympic ‘All-father’, Zeus, as the ultimate judge!
In Divinity Derby, players assume the role of a god (Anansi, Horus, Marduk, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, and Yu Huang the Jade Emperor), betting on a race among mythological flying creatures.
Apart from its physical enhancements, such as the hand-painted figures, embossed box top, and the wooden cardholders, this edition differs from the retail edition because it includes additional gaming content.
1 Certificate of Authenticity
Divinity and Creature Compendium Booklet
6 Creature Powers reference card (one per player)
6 sets of Creature Powers reminder tokens
2 exclusive goddesses, Iris and Shinatobe - each with:
11 bet cards
3 "powers of the gods" cards
1 fate token
1 god token
Option d'achat
Acheter Divinity Derby (Deluxe Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
150,00 USD
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