Across the Desert of Blasted Winds, not far from the Broken Plain, lies the relm of Llovar's own people; The Uthuk. They were the first to be commanded by the... (continuer à lire)
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Diskwars - Core: Uthuk Y'llan Army Set (Revised) n'est pas actuellement disponible chez nos partenaires. Ajoutez le à votre wishlist pour être le premier informé.
Across the Desert of Blasted Winds, not far from the Broken Plain, lies the relm of Llovar's own people; The Uthuk. They were the first to be commanded by the Dark Loer, and it was they who lit the first spark of The Great War. Their malice twoards the free people of Mennara is bottomless, their crulty boundless.
From the heart of the Darklands, they bring doom. Serving Llovar, at last they will have revenge.
Hit them and hit them hard with the Uthuk Y'llan. In the basic army set, you receive three fixed flats of 4 Warriors of Yllan, 2 Don'ra Stingers, 2 Uthuk Zealots, 2 Ru Airgliders and 2 Unclean Ones.
Option d'achat
Acheter Diskwars - Core: Uthuk Y'llan Army Set (Revised)
chez Noble Knight Games
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