Everyone dreams of inheriting a vast fortune and in this game it can come true. The original Ming vase of Aunt Lisa, Uncle Bert's Stradivarius violin, and of course the... (continuer à lire)
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Everyone dreams of inheriting a vast fortune and in this game it can come true. The original Ming vase of Aunt Lisa, Uncle Bert's Stradivarius violin, and of course the huge wealth amassed by your grandparents – it could all be yours one day soon.
Of course, every family also has its secrets – black sheep, skeletons in the closet, gambling debts and the disgrace of bankruptcy. Fortunes quickly made by dubious business methods can also be quickly lost by foolish deals or greedy relatives who consider their claims on the family estate to be more worthy than yours.
This is a German language item and includes a set of rules in English.
Option d'achat
Acheter Die Erbraffer (The Inheritance) (German Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
12,00 USD
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