The Darkroot is a lush but foreboding region of Dark Souls. Scarecrows, giant stone warriors, and the very plants of the forest stand sentinel to hinder any heroes foolish enough... (continuer à lire)
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The Darkroot is a lush but foreboding region of Dark Souls. Scarecrows, giant stone warriors, and the very plants of the forest stand sentinel to hinder any heroes foolish enough to brave this realm. Darkroot is the final resting place of Artorias, a deadly revenant and relentless swordsman who is guarded eternally by his companion, the Great Grey Wolf Sif.
The Darkroot Expansion is intended for use with Dark Souls: The Board Game.
New Dark Souls: The Board Game adventures await in the Darkroot Expansion, with new enemies, new encounter cards utilizing those enemies, and new treasure cards for characters to discover along their adventures. Components for two new main boss encounters further enhance players’ options and provide fresh challenges.
Sif, the Great Grey Wolf
3x Plow Scarecrow
3x Shears Scarecrow
1x Mushroom Child
1x Mushroom Parent
2x Demonic Foliage
2x Stone Guardians
2x Stone Knights
36x Behavior and Data Cards
18x Encounter Cards
21x Treasure Cards
2x Boss Dials
Rules Leaflet
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chez Noble Knight Games
48,00 USD
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