Clue - The Office Edition

Six employees, one team building Clue game, nine office weapons...Michael Scott has called six of his Dunder Mifflin employees into work on a Saturday. Upon arrival they discover Toby (Michael's... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
3 to 6 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
USAOpoly, Murder / Mystery et Humor
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Six employees, one team building Clue game, nine office weapons...Michael Scott has called six of his Dunder Mifflin employees into work on a Saturday. Upon arrival they discover Toby (Michael's nemesis from HR) dead in the lobby. Along with Toby are instructions for a mandatory Team Building game of CLUE in which the office workers must compete. The prize being an additional week of paid vacation for the winner. The employees must determine, WHO killed Toby, with WHAT office weapon and WHERE the crime occurred. Was it Dwight with the World's Best Boss Coffee Mug in the Kitchen? Jim with the Dundee Trophy in Sales? Andy with the Nun-chucks in the Bathroom?

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