Poor Cinderella… As she watched her mean stepsisters and stepmother leave for the prince’s Great Ball, she started crying. All of a sudden, her fairy godmother appeared: “I know what... (continuer à lire)
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Poor Cinderella… As she watched her mean stepsisters and stepmother leave for the prince’s Great Ball, she started crying. All of a sudden, her fairy godmother appeared: “I know what is your deepest wish and I am here to grant it.” said the fairy godmother. Take part in this wonderful tale by helping Cinderella and the fairy godmother gather all the items and characters before the clock ticks midnight!
A cooperative game based on a classic fairytale.
Made from 100% recyclable materials.
Improves observation and memory.
Option d'achat
Acheter Cinderella
chez Noble Knight Games
17,95 USD
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