Each round in Casting, one player is a director who's looking for comedians for her next movie, while the other players are agents who want to promote their own client.... (continuer à lire)
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Each round in Casting, one player is a director who's looking for comedians for her next movie, while the other players are agents who want to promote their own client. To determine who gets which clients, seven comedian tiles (all either male or female) are placed in a row — one under each letter of the word "CASTING" — then one letter tile is secretly dealt to each agent to let them know who they represent.
The Director chooses one of three questions from a card and reads it out loud, e.g., "What is the comedian's favorite dish?", "What's their hobby?", or "What is their main quality?" Now the agents must write an answer to this question that will help the director guess who their client is, based only on their looks!
As the director, you earn points by guessing who each agent represents; as an agent, you score by having the director guess which comedian is yours — and by betting on how many good guesses the director will have!
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chez Noble Knight Games
50,95 USD
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