Batman - Gotham City Chronicles: Solo-Cooperative Mode Expansion

This game mode uses A.I. to make all scenarios in the Adventure mode playable without anyone taking on the role of the Villain and battling the other players.
Each mission... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Monolith Editions
2 to 4 joueurs
Frederic Henry
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Monolith Editions et Frederic Henry
Batman - Gotham City Chronicles: Solo-Cooperative Mode Expansion preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


This game mode uses A.I. to make all scenarios in the Adventure mode playable without anyone taking on the role of the Villain and battling the other players.
Each mission is comprised of a deck selected from around 100 available cards, which dictate the behavior of both the henchmen and the supervillains in order to best adapt the A.I. to the objectives of the mission. Each iconic supervillain also has their own card, making each mission even more dynamic.

Jason Keeping, the author, drew on several hundred matches as well as feedback from the community to hone his game mode before polishing and simplifying it in collaboration with our teams. The solo-mode rulebook will be written by Paul Grogan’s team to match the quality of our new rulebook. This mode can be used with all the Adventure Mode scenarios from seasons 1, 2, and 3, even for the official scenario from our The Overlord magazine! As a result, more than 60 scenarios will now be playable in either solo or cooperative mode.

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Maison d'édition


  • Frederic Henry

Jeux publiés par Monolith Editions

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