Baseball Highlights - 2045 (Deluxe Edition)

Playing Baseball Highlights: 2045 is like watching TV highlights of early 21st-century baseball games, with the game play being full of theme with no outs or innings and without bogging... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Eagle-Gryphon Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Eagle-Gryphon Games et Sports
Baseball Highlights - 2045 (Deluxe Edition) preview image


Playing Baseball Highlights: 2045 is like watching TV highlights of early 21st-century baseball games, with the game play being full of theme with no outs or innings and without bogging down in a play-by-play baseball simulation. In this quick and interactive game, two players build their teams as they play, combining both strategy (building your team) and tactics (playing the game) without any of the downtime. During each "mini-game", each player alternates playing six cards to simulate a full game's highlights. The mini-game includes defensive and offensive actions, and your single card play may include elements of defensive and/or offensive plays. Do you try to thwart your opponent's pending hits, put up strong offensive action of your own, or use your better players to do both? Players buy new free agents after each mini-game to improve their roster, and the team who wins the most mini-games in the series is the champ!


  • Pitchers Expansion - Cyborgs
  • Rally Cap Expansion
  • Coach Expansion
  • Hitters Expansion - Robots
  • Magna Glove Expansion - Naturals


  • (1) Rules Book
  • (4) 15-Card Starting Decks for four different teams
  • -San Francisco
  • -Los Angeles
  • -Boston
  • -New York
  • (1) 60-Card Free Agent Deck
  • (4) Player Stadium Mats
  • (4) Player Aid Placards

    Stadium Components:

  • (4) Sets of Wood Pawns (Runners) in each of 3 colors (White, Blue, Red)
  • (4) Runs Scored Markers
  • (4) Games Won Markers
  • (2) Home Field Markers
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Baseball Highlights - 2045 (Deluxe Edition)
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    95,00 USD
    Divulgation: Ce site contient des liens d'affiliation. PaytheOne peux percevoir une commission pour les achats effectués via ces liens, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous. Votre soutien est apprécié.

    Catégories du jeu


    Maison d'édition

    Jeux publiés par Eagle-Gryphon Games