Museum: Archeologists Expansion, The

This new expansion brings another new mechanic to Museum, which is sure to provide you with an even more challenging experience!

The expansion adds an extra step to the game:... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Holy Grail Games
2 to 5 joueurs
Olivier Melison, Eric Dubus et Vincent Dutrait
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Holy Grail Games, Olivier Melison, Eric Dubus et Vincent Dutrait
Museum: Archeologists Expansion, The preview image


This new expansion brings another new mechanic to Museum, which is sure to provide you with an even more challenging experience!

The expansion adds an extra step to the game: in order to exhibit precious artifacts in their Museums, our Curators will now need to send their agents out into the world to bring them back first!

Players will have to choose which Continents to send their archaeologists to carefully, as funding expeditions doesn’t come cheap. However, if you don’t have any agents present, you can’t bring objects back from that Continent! Unless of course, you can convince one of your competitor’s staff to lend a hand…

So how does it work? The expansion’s board has spaces for each Continent, on which you can place your agent meeples to symbolize expeditions that you are sending out. Each player starts with one agent that they can place on any Continent they wish for free. Once you have an agent on site, you can bring objects back from that Continent as normal during the Exploration phase. If you have no agent on a particular Continent, but another player does, you can pay them 1 Prestige point to use their staff to do the work for you. If there are no agents present on that Continent, then you can’t bring anything back at all!

You can also pay extra to send additional archaeologists to a given Continent. If you do so, you gain additional bonuses, such as extra Prestige points when you draw a card. Each additional agent you send out to the same Continent costs more than the last. However, if you are the first to develop a full network of 3 agents, you gain a considerable bonus! The second player to do so also gets a (smaller) bonus.

The Archaeologists expansion brings a race to the finish aspect to Museum, as players rush to develop their networks of experts on the different Continents.

Option d'achat

Acheter Museum: Archeologists Expansion, The
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

70,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition


Strategy Game

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