Cyberpunk Red - Combat Zone: Arasaka Starter Gang

In the time of the Red, every city has a Combat Zone: an area of the city where the law doesn't reach and cyber-enhanced gangs fight for control over the... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
Publié en
Monster Fight Club
0 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Science Fiction, Miniatures et Monster Fight Club
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In the time of the Red, every city has a Combat Zone: an area of the city where the law doesn't reach and cyber-enhanced gangs fight for control over the streets.

The Arasaka Corporation is a world-wide megacorporation dealing in corporate security, banking, and manufacturing. The Arasaka Corporation maintains the largest and most powerful armed forces of any corporation in the world.

This box includes all the miniatures and cards you need to field a complete gang in your games of Combat Zone.

Box Includes:

  • 6 Arasaka Miniatures
  • 13 Arasaka Character Cards
  • 1 Arasaka Scenario Card
  • 5 Program Cards
  • 21 Arasaka Objective Cards
  • 35 Arasaka Gear Cards
  • 40 Arasaka Loot Deck Cards

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Cyberpunk Red - Combat Zone: Arasaka Starter Gang
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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