You are "go for launch!" Apollo is a cooperative strategy game inspired by the NASA moon missions. The year is 1961 and President Kennedy has challenged the nation to land... (continuer à lire)
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You are "go for launch!" Apollo is a cooperative strategy game inspired by the NASA moon missions. The year is 1961 and President Kennedy has challenged the nation to land astronauts on the moon by the end of the decade. Now it's up to you to walk in the footsteps of NASA's pioneers and embark on the missions that made history.
Play as Mission Control or an Astronaut. Both sides must work together and strategize to complete flight stages, overcome obstacles, repair the spacecraft, and keep communications clear. It is the team that determines if the mission is a success or failure.
Includes two mission packs, Gemini and Apollo with real NASA mission facts for basic and advanced play.
Option d'achat
Acheter Apollo
chez Noble Knight Games
23,95 $US
9,00 USD
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