From Mewtwo to Hello Kitty, the Anime Deck 2 adds 100 new anime-inspired characters and powers to Superfight: The Game of Absurd Arguments. This deck can be mixed with any... (continuer à lire)
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Superfight!: Anime Deck 2, The n'est pas actuellement disponible chez nos partenaires. Ajoutez le à votre wishlist pour être le premier informé.
From Mewtwo to Hello Kitty, the Anime Deck 2 adds 100 new anime-inspired characters and powers to Superfight: The Game of Absurd Arguments. This deck can be mixed with any other superfight deck. So grab your friends, it's time to d-d-d-duel!
Anime Deck 2 can be played on its own but we highly recommend playing it with the Core Deck.
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Acheter Superfight!: Anime Deck 2, The
chez Noble Knight Games
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