Aeon's End - Past and Future Expansion (Kickstarter Edition)

After the Fall, Old Gravehold was buried in rubble. After the civil war between Brama and Z’hana, New Gravehold was forever changed. But there are more stories out there than... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Indie Boards & Cards
1 à 4 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Indie Boards & Cards et Fantasy
Aeon's End - Past and Future Expansion (Kickstarter Edition) preview image


After the Fall, Old Gravehold was buried in rubble. After the civil war between Brama and Z’hana, New Gravehold was forever changed. But there are more stories out there than just the fate of one city. Hundreds of years before humanity fled below ground, people lived in great cities in The World That Was. Hundreds of years after the era of New Gravehold, humanity continues to prosper in small, scattered villages built up around old ruins. Even after many centuries, the descendants of mages past are paying for the mistakes of their ancestors. Mistakes which should have remained buried forever. But learning about history is the only way to stop it from repeating.

Kickstarter edition includes the Origins expansion and the Evolution expansion.

Option d'achat

Acheter Aeon's End - Past and Future Expansion (Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

124,95 USD
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Maison d'édition

Jeux publiés par Indie Boards & Cards

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