7th Sea - City of Five Sails, Tooth and Claw Expansion
All-out war has broken out in the City of Five Sails! The scheming Don Constanzo and his fate witches have successfully pitted each and every faction against the other. Now,... (continuer à lire)
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All-out war has broken out in the City of Five Sails! The scheming Don Constanzo and his fate witches have successfully pitted each and every faction against the other. Now, each desperate leader must fight tooth and claw to keep control of their district.
Tooth and Claw is the latest expansion to 7th Sea: City of Five Sails. Included are new characters, weapons and schemes that deepen the games’ complexity and escalate the deadliness of the dueling mechanic. These cards reflect the competitive spirit of our community, including characters designed as awards to our tournament champions. This box contains what players need to stay up to date with our game mechanically and narratively as political intrigue and desperate bloodshed escalate on both fronts.
7th Sea: City of Five Sails base set (PBE03001) is required to play.
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