18Lilliput is for 2-4 players, it takes between 1 - 2 hours.
18Lilliput is a card game which includes all of the essential elements of a classic 18xx game. With... (continuer à lire)
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18Lilliput is for 2-4 players, it takes between 1 - 2 hours.
18Lilliput is a card game which includes all of the essential elements of a classic 18xx game. With the square track tiles the players build a track network – starting from Lilliput’s capital, Maputo. There are eight companies found in the game and each player may own a maximum of two presidencies.
A new element is introduced in 18Lilliput: the action cards. Track building, station establishing, train purchases and share buying are all executed by claiming one of these action cards, if they are still available. For experienced 18xx players, 18Lilliput is a short game which can be enjoyed in between other train games or as a good way to round off a nice evening of Rail Gaming. For players without any 18xx experience, 18Lilliput is an ideal way to learn many of the mechanisms from the world of railroad games.
Option d'achat
Acheter 18Lilliput
chez Noble Knight Games
30,00 USD
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