Selection Order Bid

Selection Order Bid Mechanic in Board Games

The Selection Order Bid is a board game mechanic where players compete to determine their turn order or access to resources, typically through a hidden or open bid.

How It Works

Players use in-game currency, points, or other resources to bid for turn order. The highest bidder gets the first choice, followed by others in descending order.

Strategic Importance

Bidding mechanisms introduce a layer of strategy as players must balance the benefits of going first against the cost.


This mechanic can be found in games like Amun-Re or Princes of Florence, where turn order can significantly impact strategy.

Key Considerations

  • Players must anticipate opponents' bids.
  • Spending resources on bids impacts other game areas.

Pros and Cons

  • Adds depth to strategic decision-making.
  • Can cause analysis paralysis in some players.

The Selection Order Bid mechanic encourages thoughtful spending and predicting opponents' strategies, adding an engaging layer to gameplay.