
Understanding "Interrupts" in Board Game Mechanics

Interrupt mechanics in board games allow players to take actions out of turn sequence. These actions can counter or alter the flow of the game, often strategically. Interrupts add layers of complexity and unpredictability to gameplay.

Function of Interrupts

  • Strategic Depth: Interrupts force players to think ahead and keep track of potential countermoves.
  • Dynamism: These mechanics make games feel more dynamic as they diversify the interactions between players.
  • Unpredictability: They introduce an element of surprise that can change game outcomes.

Types of Interrupt Mechanics

  • Reaction Cards: Used in response to another player's action.
  • Instant Effects: Abilities or spells that can be activated at any time.
  • Timed Entries: Designated times when interrupts are allowed.

Examples in Games

  • Magic: The Gathering: Spells called "Instants" can be played at almost any time.
  • Twilight Struggle: The card-driven events can interrupt a player's strategy.


  • Rules Clarity: It’s important for interrupt rules to be clear to avoid confusion.
  • Balance: Interrupts must be balanced to prevent any player from gaining excessive advantage.


Interrupts enrich board games by providing strategic options and dynamic interactions. They are a testament to the evolving complexity in game design.

Jeux utilisants Grid Movement et Interrupts