Strategy Game
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Hand Management
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Roman Kucharski
Roman Kucharski
Strategy Game illustrés par Roman Kucharski
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North - Roman Banners
San Francisco
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North - Barbarian Hordes Expansion
Imperial Settlers: We Didn't Start the Fire
Imperial Settlers: Amazons Expansion
Stronghold (2nd Edition)
Carcassonne: Castle, The
Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North - Japanese Islands
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North - Wrath of the Lighthouse
Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North - Egyptian Kings
Family Game illustrés par Roman Kucharski
This expansion adds an aviary nd pterodactyls to your dinosaur zoo. Your visitors can admire these majestic dinosaurs while strolling through the newly opened mountain area! Mechanisms:• Card Drafting• Dice Rolling• Set Collection• Simultaneous Action...
Draftosaurus: Aerial Show Expansion
-27 %
14,99 $US
10,99 $US
Imperial Settlers: Aztecs bring new rules, a new resource, and a sixth faction to the world of Imperial Settlers!Prayer actions and blessing tokens bring religion to the world, while the Aztecs build temples and organize festivals and ceremonies to ...
Imperial Settlers: Aztecs Expansion
20,00 $US
Jeux publiés par Zacatrus et illustrés par Roman Kucharski
Marina expands the boundaries of your park and adds a new species to draft: plesiosaurus! It adds a new double-sided board that each player can combine with their existing park to add a new river zone. Plesiosaurus are the only dino-meeples that can ...
Draftosaurus: Marina Expansion
-27 %
14,99 $US
10,97 $US
You're running a dinosaur zoo! How will you set it up? Will you put certain dinosaurs together or split them up? Based on the species you have available and the day's obligations, decide what will bring the most visitors.1. Roll the die to determine ...
-28 %
24,99 $US
17,99 $US