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Jeux de Stratégie
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Ilya Baranovsky
Ilya Baranovsky
Jeux avec Force Commitment illustrés par Ilya Baranovsky
Tleilaxu: Led by a small council of Tleilaxu Masters - the fanatic, xenophobic Tleilaxu were tolerated because of their useful genetic engineering superiority. Although underestimated and loathed by others, they hoped to someday dominate all.Ixian: The...
Dune: The Board Game - Ixians & Tleilaxu House Expansion
-40 %
25,00 $US
15,00 $US
Imagine you control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe. Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction...
Dune: The Board Game
-25 %
60,00 $US
45,00 $US
Jeux publiés par GateOnGames et illustrés par Ilya Baranovsky
Maquis (2nd Edition)
31,95 $US
Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland!Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable goals and a play time of approximately twenty minutes. The player places...
principalement positif, 76 %
14 ans et +
1 joueur
30 minutes
Print & Play Game
World War II
Worker Placement