Strategy Game
Card Game
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Science Fiction
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Hand Management
Variable Player Powers
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Short Games (< 30 min)
2 Players Games
Light Playstyle Games
Jeux de Stratégie
Jeux Familial
Jeux de Carte
Jeux de Guerre
Jeux de Miniatures
Cristi Balanescu
Cristi Balanescu
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Jeux illustrés par Stephen Somers et Cristi Balanescu
The Rebel Alliance fights valiantly against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Each new victory brings the Rebels hope, and each heroic sacrifice strengthens their resolve. Still, the Empire’s resources are vast, and the firepower of its Empire Navy...
Star Wars - The Deckbuilding Game
-49 %
37,99 $US
19,27 $US
Ixth. The lost planet.Scholars have long debated the existence of Ixth. Once rumored to be a verdant paradise, an expedition through an enigmatic gateway has revealed the truth. Ixth was never a paradise - it was a prison.When the Lazax Imperium was ...
Twilight Imperium (4th Edition): Prophecy of Kings Expansion
-20 %
109,99 $US
87,99 $US
Jeux publiés par Edge Entertainment et illustrés par Cristi Balanescu
Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Forgotten Age Deluxe Expansion
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition): Streets of Arkham Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Cities in Ruin Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Signs of Carcosa Expansion
Eldritch Horror: The Dreamlands Expansion
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition): Beyond the Threshold Expansion
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition)
Arkham Horror LCG - Path to Carcosa, The: Path to Carcosa Expansion, The
Team-Based Game illustrés par Cristi Balanescu
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition): Path of the Serpent Expansion
-29 %
69,99 $US
49,58 $US
For all its primal beauty, the thick trees and lush greenery of the jungle conceal many perils. Unrelenting heat, limited supplies, and sharp-toothed beasts would be enough to drive any intrepid explorer back to the comforts of civilized society. Those...
très positif, 92 %
14 ans et +
1 à 5 joueurs
120 minutes
Murder / Mystery
Area Movement
Dice Rolling
Hand Management
Modular Board