Massive Darkness: Heroes & Monster Set - Noble Warriors vs. The Cockatrix

A birdlike creature with the scales and blood of a dragon, the Cockatrix's mad flurries can disconcert the fiercest of attackers. The hero who fails to finish her off will... (read more)

mostly positive, 70% of all reviews are favorable
90 minutes
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
1 to 6 players
Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, and Nicolas Raoult
Game's Categories
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), CMON Global Limited, Cooperative Game, Fantasy, Modular Board, Guillotine Games, and Variable Player Powers
Massive Darkness: Heroes & Monster Set - Noble Warriors vs. The Cockatrix preview image


A birdlike creature with the scales and blood of a dragon, the Cockatrix's mad flurries can disconcert the fiercest of attackers. The hero who fails to finish her off will find she will not return the favor.

This Heroes and Monster Set contains a Roamking Monster, three Heroes, an Artifact, and a new Hero Class. The Cockatrix is a powerful Melee and Ranged monster than may stop an attacker dead in their tracks. The Noble Warrior Class is a natural leader and expert team player. All three Hero miniatures may be used as additional or alternative characters for your game.

Mechanisms:• Cooperative Game• Dice Rolling• Variable Player Powers• Modular Board


  • 3 Hero MIniatures & Hero Cards
    • Azrael, Nobel Warrior
    • Mila, Shadow Barbarian
    • Zoe, Pit Fighter Berserker
  • 1 Cockatrix Miniature with 2 Cards
  • 1 Noble Warrior Class Sheet Pad
  • 1 Artifact Card (Nobel's Standard)

Purchase options

Buy Massive Darkness: Heroes & Monster Set - Noble Warriors vs. The Cockatrix
from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

USD 25.00

Buy Massive Darkness: Heroes & Monster Set - Noble Warriors vs. The Cockatrix
from Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

USD 25.99
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Games designed by Nicolas Raoult

Cooperative Game

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