Collect cards, discard cards and get closer to victory level by level! Who will be the fastest to lay out the required combinations of sequences of numbers, cards of the... (read more)
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Collect cards, discard cards and get closer to victory level by level! Who will be the fastest to lay out the required combinations of sequences of numbers, cards of the same type and colors of the same color? Simple rules, great fun!
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Level 8 – the card game: 2 - 6 players compete level by level for victory. At the beginning, each player gets a level card with all eight tasks and a level indicator that shows which level you are in. Who will be the fastest to lay out the required combinations of sequences of numbers, cards of the same type and colors of the same color? Simple rules, quick decisions, great fun! The family game from 8 years is ideal for every game night.
In the first step, the player whose turn it is always has to pick up a card first: either the top card from the draw pile or the top card from any discard pile. Then he can place his current level openly in front of him and be visible to all. In the 1st level, for example, there are two triples. Then he may add further hand cards to cards that have already been laid out. At the end of the turn, the player must discard a card to their discard pile. A round ends when a player discards their last hand card to their discard pile. This player may skip a level as a bonus.
Incidentally, it is also allowed to annoy your teammates. For this there is the "Suspend" card, which lets a player sit out the next turn.
Content/Equipment: 110 playing cards, 6 level markers, 4 game rules
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