Dollars to Donuts is a puzzly, resource management tile-laying game for 2-4 players. Donuts need to be made whole! In Dollars to Donuts players take turns purchasing tiles to match... (read more)
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Dollars to Donuts is a puzzly, resource management tile-laying game for 2-4 players. Donuts need to be made whole! In Dollars to Donuts players take turns purchasing tiles to match donut halves and to fill their boards, making the most delicious spread of coffee and donuts. Players gain victory points for perfect matches and filling customer orders. They also sell off their mismatched donuts for cash, to buy new tiles and make more matches!
1 Starting Player Token
39 Customer Cards
100 Victory Tokens
4 Player Mats
1 Specials Board
60 Dollar Tiles
16 Starter Tiles
61 Donut Tiles
1 Cloth Bag
1 Score Pad
1 Rulebook
Purchase option
Buy Dollars to Donuts
from Noble Knight Games
USD 25.00
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